A couple months ago my friend Miles asked if I would try his sandwich.
ME: "What kind is it?"
HIM: "Just try it."
ME: "What kind is it?!"
HIM: "Peanut butter and jelly... and cheese puffs."
ME: *blank stare*
HIM: "It's good! Just try it."
Needless to say, I didn't try it the first time he offered. He made it again a while later and got me to try it. I was expecting it to be disgusting. I took a bite and was actually surprised. It wasn't bad. It tastes like a normal PB & J but with a crunch. You know how you add potato chips to sandwiches? Same thing. I was thinking you'd be able to taste the cheese but you can't at all. It's quite tasty. Sounds weird, I know. But try it if you dare!