So after leaving the grocery store I headed to the condo and used the spare key to get in. I was trying to think of what I could do to surprise them. I was thinking maybe just hide behind the couch and when they opened the door yell "SURPRISE!", but that was a boring idea. Then, something popped into my head. I'll make it look like someone broke in! I hid all their valuable items (Laptops, iPod, sunglasses...) and then began to place chairs, barstools, and tables on their sides. I threw DVD's and the couch pillows all over the floor, took off the lampshade and knocked over a few more things to make it look someone broke in. I watched out the front bedroom window for them to pull up. Once I saw them, I ran to open the back sliding glass door, and then hid behind the bed in the back bedroom. I heard them open the door and heard the fear in their voices. "Woah... what?" Then a couple seconds later Courtney yelled "It's Tanner!" That idea was shot down by Brandon and Robyn by them both saying someone had broken in. Their biggest concern was Navi of course. They wanted to get her out and back in the car until everything was figured out.
I was in the bedroom laughing to myself. Then I heard Brandon draw a knife from the kitchen drawer and then they went outside. When I heard that knife I'm glad I was in the spot I was because I was looking under the bed, watching for him so if he did start to come I could reveal myself before he threw a knife at me or something. That would have been bad. They were outside for a few minutes and I was waiting for someone to come back in, but they never did. At this point, I sent a Twitter message saying "I heard the condo got robbed!" Courtney then called me...
Court: "Are you in St. George?"
Me: [laughing] "GOTCHA!"
Court: "Tanner, we just called the cops!"
Me: [still laughing] "You did?! You better hurry and call them back!"
They came in and Courtney and Robyn said they were shaking. Robyn said this is the second time she's had anxiety down here. (The first time being when Courtney jumped out of the bag)
After they were no longer shaking they were able to have a good ol' laugh about it all. The best part is Courtney said the cops asked for my name. Is this going to go on my record or something? Ha ha. If it does... it was well worth it.
Here is the mess I left. I could have done sooo much more, but I had to remember I have to clean this up when I'm done. - (It doesn't show up as good on pictures. You had to be there)