Friday, August 8, 2008

So I Think I Got Addicted

I NEVER thought it would happen. I have hated dance shows since they started. I will admit... yes. I love this show. I've grown up going to Courtney and Amy's dance performances and just dreading them. Earlier this year however, I was flipping through the channels and I somehow landed on a show called "America's Best Dance Crew" and happened to see a craaazy good performance and from that point I was hooked. So when So You Think You Can Dance started, I was excited for it. I've found the only dances I like are mainly the Jazz and Hip Hop routines. I have to say... it still makes me uncomfortable watching a guy dance ballet. Not for me, thanks.

With the finale of So You Think You Can Dance I thought I'd post my top 5 favorite performances of the season. Awesomeness.


Unknown said...

This post just made me so happy!! Wahoo!! but I still think Twitch should of won!!

Lisa said...

I guess I will have to check it out next season!

sophie said...

hey i tagged you in a post. check my blog and do an i am post thingy...

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